US Class Page
Official Website (under construction)
Here's the entire group at the big reunion at Mitch's cottage


Marvin Silbert with Ross Chomiak in Washington and Tom Uyeno in Calgary.

Photos from our supper at the Swiss Chalet in 2007. Click on any picture to
see it full size. These were taken with a cellphone camera and the quality
leaves a bit to be desired.

Photos from our supper in the Swiss Chalet in July of 2008.
- What do we want or need to know about each other after half a century? I've drafted a simple questionnaire and need your input to complete it. Please fill out the form below and click the SUBMIT
button. Just remember that you MUST PROVIDE your e-mail or other address
information for me to know who sent it. If you prefer to use your own
mail program, my e-mail address is:
- You can also
- mail to: Marvin
Silbert and Associates, 23 Glenelia Avenue, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, M2M 2K6,
- Telephone: 1-416-224-2538 or 1-416-225-0226
- FAX: 1-416-225-2227
- Have a look at the rest of my site while you're here. There are some up-to-date photos of me on my Main Page and my Training Page.
- Just add your name and say Hi or something below and I'll at least know you were here.
This page was last updated 2008-July-29.