- H.K.Miyamoto and M.D.Silbert, A new approach to the Langelier Stability Index, Chemical
Engineering 93 #8, 89 (1986).
- M.D.Silbert, G.M.Nicolaides and F.A.Tonelli, Identification and control of scaling in recirculating ash disposal systems, paper #IWC-86-47, 47th Int'l Water Conference, Pittsburgh
(1986); also presented CEA Fall 86 meeting, Edmonton.
- M.D.Silbert, Chemistry of cooling, Canadian Chemical News, 39 #1, 15 (1987)
- M.D.Silbert, Energy conservation through improved water treatment, issued by Ontario
Ministries of Health and Energy, ISBN 0-7729-2857-6, Queen's Printer for Ontario (1987);
also CHES (Canadian Hospital Eng. Soc.) Journal, 7 #2, 31 (1987)
- S.Beszedits and M.D.Silbert, Powdered Activated Carbon Enhancement of the Activated
Sludge Process, ISBN 0-920720-18-8, B&L Information Services, Toronto (1987)
- C.K.MacNeil and M.D.Silbert, A new look at phosphate vs AVT for nuclear steam generators, paper #IWC-88-34, 49th Int'l Water Conference, Pittsburgh (1988)
- M.D.Silbert, Scaling control in wet ash systems, CEA/Environment Canada workshop on
environmental aspects of operating thermal generating stations, Montréal, Nov 1988
- M.D.Silbert, Chemputing, write/edit a review column in Canadian Chemical News starting
Sept 1988. Additional reviews have appeared in Industrial Water Treatment and Chemistry in
New Zealand.
- M.D.Silbert, R.Gilbert and C.K.MacNeil, The Chemistry of boiling: the CANDU steam
generator / La chimie de l'eau bouillant: le générateur de vapeur CANDU, Canadian Chemical News, 41 #8, 12 (1989)
- M.D.Silbert, Non-chemical water treatment - I, CHES (Canadian Hospital Engineering Society) Journal, 10 #1, 11 (1990)
- S.Beszedits and M.D.Silbert, Treatment of Landfill Leachates, ISBN 0-920720-24-2, B&L
Information Serv., Toronto (1990)
- S.Beszedits and M.D.Silbert, Treatment of Phenolic Wastewaters, ISBN 0-920720-26-9,
B&L Information Services, Toronto (1990)
- M.D.Silbert and H.K.Miyamoto, Monitoring and Controlling Industrial Processes, ISBN 0-9695133-0-5, Marvin Silbert and Associates, Toronto (1990)
- M.D.Silbert and C.K.MacNeil, Point Lepreau 600 MW CANDU experience, American
Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) Research and Technology Committee on Water in
Thermal Power Systems Workshop on Lab. and Field Experiences with Phosphates in Power
Utility Drum Boilers, Pittsburgh, Oct 1990
- M.D.Silbert and H.K.Miyamoto, To scale, or not to scale - That is the question, ACPO
Distillate, 4 #1, 5 (1991)
- S.Beszedits and M.D.Silbert, Treatment of Lead-Contaminated Wastewaters, ISBN 0-920720-28-5, B&L Information Services, Toronto (1991)
- M.D.Silbert and H.K.Miyamoto, Simple time-series techniques to analyze plant operations,
3rd Int'l Conf. on Statistical Methods for the Environmental Sciences, Madison, WI (1991)
- M.D.Silbert, L.Lépine and R.Gilbert, Organic matters in recirculating water systems of
CANDU-PHW reactors, Step 1: Literature search, Institut de recherche d'Hydro-Québec
report IREQ-91-126 (1991)
- H.K.Miyamoto and M.D.Silbert, Scale control in high-pH systems, Industrial Water
Treatment, 24 #1, 29 (1992)
- M.D.Silbert and H.K.Miyamoto, Scale control in wet ash-transport systems, Power
Engineering, 96 #5, 29 (1992)
- M.D.Silbert and H.K.Miyamoto, Reassessment of the role of specifications in plant control philosophy, 42nd Canadian Chemical Engineering Conference, Toronto (1992); an extended version was given at the Ultrapure Water Expo '93. Philadelphia, PA, (1993) & reprinted in
Industrial Water Treatment, 10 #5, 30 (1993)
- H.K.Miyamoto, M.D.Silbert and C.F.Serwotka, Prevention of scaling in alkaline mine
waters, Advances in Environmental Protection for the Metallurgical Industries, CIM Metsoc
meeting, Québec City (1993)
- H.K.Miyamoto, M.D.Silbert and J.H.Washburn, Statistical training for quality improvement,
Canadian Chemical News / L'Actualité chimique canadienne, pp 19-21, July/Aug (1993)
- M.D.Silbert, Environmentally benign condenser cleaning agent, Report # 9115 G 898 for
the Canadian Electrical Association (1993)
- J. Stodola and M.D.Silbert, Enhanced Phosphate Control in Drum-Recirculating Boilers,
Industrial Water treatment, 28 #1, pp 41-46, January/February (1996)
- J. Stodola and M.D.Silbert, Improved Phosphate Control in Drum-Recirculating Boilers,
First Global Internet Corrosion Conference, http://www.clihouston.com/intercorr/, (1996)
- M.D.Silbert, Must we tolerate bad chemistry, IPPSO FACTO 11 #4, pp 11, August (1997)
- M.D.Silbert, Understanding SPC and its Applications within the Water-Treatment Industry, AWT Annual Convention and Exhibition, Honolulu (2000)
- D.Gratton and M.D.Silbert, How to Mothball and Decommission Industrial Plants, Canadian Chemical News, 54 #8, pp 32-33 (2002)
- M.D.Silbert, Flow-Accelerated Corrosion, The Analyst, pp 25-29, Fall 2002
- M.D.Silbert, Flow-Accelerated Corrosion in Boilers and Cooling Systems and How Data-Management Systems Can Control Costs and Product Usage, NACE - Niagara Frontier Section Corrosion Conf, Buffalo, NY (2002)
- M.D.Silbert, Focused Data for Quality Improvement, 5th CANDU Chemistry Workshop, Toronto (2002)
- M.D.Silbert, Flow-Accelerated Corrosion in Water Systems, Chemistry Department Seminar, Trent University, Peterborough (2002)
- William Stark and Marvin Silbert, Where tax and science meet — part 2, CA Magazine
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